Board Members & Committees

The dedicated Board Members, Committee Chairs, Task Members, and Office Staff of Novi Youth Assistance are the heart of our organization. They make it possible to offer support, mentorship, and education to families in the Novi community.

Board Leadership

Board Chair
Greg Cocke

Vice Chair
Cate Zatkoff

Board Secretary
Lisa Fenchel

Board Treasurer
Bill Oppat

Board Members

Kayley Dahring

Jay Dooley

Sandra Fisher

Rob Fridenberg

RosaLeigh Johnson

Michele King

John O’Brien

Travis Reeds

Andrea Smith

Julie Warren

CDBG Board Members

Greg Cocke

Jay Dooley

John O’Brien

Andrea Smith

Committee Chairs

School Liaison
RosaLeigh Johnson

Fundraising Chair
Michele King

Silver Lining Chair
Rob Fridenberg

Adopt-a-Family Chair
Kayley Dahring

Shop with a Hero Chairs
Julie Warren

Back-to-School Chairs
Julie Warren
Cate Zatkoff

Community Partners & Services Chair
Jay Dooley

Youth Recognition Chair

Social Media & Communications Chair
Cate Zatkoff

Family Education Chair
Sandra Fisher

Office Staff


Sabrina Matsil
(248) 466-2742

Office Administrator

Carrie Reichley
(248) 675-3089